Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Refuse To Say Cheese

Winter is a very administrative time for our business. While the summer is full of weddings and events, the winter is the time when I'm busy making albums, updating our website and marketing materials, and sharpening my photography skills. So when two new photography DVDs arrived on my doorstep this afternoon, I couldn't resist popping one in right away. Of course, the next thing I had to do was pick up my camera and do some experimenting. Luckily, I have an available subject. :-) Enjoy our results!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Bath to Remember

There are so many other things I should be blogging about (Christmas and New Year celebrations, our trip to California... I'm so behind!), but there's been a decided lack of motivation to do any writing lately. Until tonight's bath. Bath time is usually Daddy's domain, but since he's away tonight, the job fell to me. It's possible that the two particular things that happened are regular occurrences for our A-man, but since I've never seen them before, I found them particularly funny.

Funny #1:
Tub is full of water and faucet has been turned off. After a few minutes of washing and play, Aaron discovers the drain. He lifts the plug, letting some of the water out. "Don't let all your water out," I say to him, "you won't have anything to play in." He considers this for a moment, and continues to lift the plug, put it back, lift the plug, put it back.... He's let a good bit of the water out by now, and he's not too happy about this. He gives me his best puppy dog eyes, touches his hand to the spout, and makes the sign for please (flat palm making small circles on the chest, but with Aaron, looks more like scratching his armpit :-). I say no, he say's please again. And again. It's a conversation! And a darn cute one, at that.

Funny #2:
Aaron flops onto his belly, pushes himself backwards until his feet can touch the back wall of the tub, then pushes off with all he's got. Small wet body then wiggles, kicks, and slides his way to opposite tub wall, where he uses hands to again push backwards. Repeat this back and forth "swimming" about a hundred times. Add in a few sideways grins at mom, just to make sure she's watching the show.

Yes, these are small moments in the life of Aaron. Not major milestones. Not great accomplishments. But they do capture a sliver of his personality and sense of humor, and they are moments I wanted to tuck away somewhere so I'll still have them when he's too big to flop on his belly in the bath tub.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just to make you laugh....

Check out the new super hero at our house: Goggle man!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Aaron was supposed to be sleeping as we rang in 2009 with at friends Lou and Ann's house, but with half a dozen screaming children running around, I think he sensed he was missing out on the party. When he woke at 11:oo pm and refused to go back to sleep, I was secretly smiling that I'd get to kiss both my boys as the clock struck midnight. :-)

Okay, I'm awake.... where's the party?

Daddy cuddles before the big countdown

Mama makes sure she gets a hug, too.

First kiss of 2009!

All the kids got a big kick out of the poppers and fireworks that Lou set off. Aaron made this face over and over, saying "Boom, Boom!"

Happy New Year from our family. Wishing you a healthy and blessed 2009.