So much to share... and so little time to get it all down. Thanks for waiting patiently for a new post as we settle in to a routine (is there any such thing with a new baby?).
Our labor and delivery was an amazing process. My contractions started at about 10:30 on Saturday night, just as we had settled into bed for the night. Mike was sleeping soundly, and I saw no reason to wake him, so I headed for the downstairs couch to work through early labor. Contractions were regular, but about 15 minutes apart. Daylight came, and contractions were still spaced too far to head to the hospital, so we did what we could to stay comfortable and keep things going - a few walks around the block, using the birthing ball, a long hot shower... Mike called the midwife as things got more intense, but she encouraged us to stay home until contractions were consistently 4 minutes apart. We finally hit the 4 minute mark at about 5pm, so we headed to the hospital. I fully expected to hear that I had a lot more dilating to do, but to everyone's amazement, I was at 10cm and ready to push! Pushing began in earnest, but contractions all but disappeared, as Aaron's head presented sideways instead of crown first. So the first 2 hours of pushing were just me giving it all I had without help from my uterus. We finally decided that a little pitocin would help, and it did! Aaron arrived at 10:21 pm, and Daddy helped catch him and put him up on my chest.
Looking back, it was such a wonderful gift to do all of my laboring at home. Being in my own bed meant I could stay as relaxed as possible, and the work was efficient. Had it been available, there were moments I would have been tempted to ask for an epidural, but I feel certain that doing so would have meant a cesarean, as I wouldn't have had the control or power to push as well. So our natural birth didn't look exactly the way I thought it would, but I feel really proud to have accomplished such a task, knowing I brought my son into the world in the healthiest way possible.
We're having some real trouble with feeding, but we've got good support and we're working an action plan to get things resolved. I'll tell more of that story soon... Please pray for us!
Our labor and delivery was an amazing process. My contractions started at about 10:30 on Saturday night, just as we had settled into bed for the night. Mike was sleeping soundly, and I saw no reason to wake him, so I headed for the downstairs couch to work through early labor. Contractions were regular, but about 15 minutes apart. Daylight came, and contractions were still spaced too far to head to the hospital, so we did what we could to stay comfortable and keep things going - a few walks around the block, using the birthing ball, a long hot shower... Mike called the midwife as things got more intense, but she encouraged us to stay home until contractions were consistently 4 minutes apart. We finally hit the 4 minute mark at about 5pm, so we headed to the hospital. I fully expected to hear that I had a lot more dilating to do, but to everyone's amazement, I was at 10cm and ready to push! Pushing began in earnest, but contractions all but disappeared, as Aaron's head presented sideways instead of crown first. So the first 2 hours of pushing were just me giving it all I had without help from my uterus. We finally decided that a little pitocin would help, and it did! Aaron arrived at 10:21 pm, and Daddy helped catch him and put him up on my chest.
Looking back, it was such a wonderful gift to do all of my laboring at home. Being in my own bed meant I could stay as relaxed as possible, and the work was efficient. Had it been available, there were moments I would have been tempted to ask for an epidural, but I feel certain that doing so would have meant a cesarean, as I wouldn't have had the control or power to push as well. So our natural birth didn't look exactly the way I thought it would, but I feel really proud to have accomplished such a task, knowing I brought my son into the world in the healthiest way possible.

We're having some real trouble with feeding, but we've got good support and we're working an action plan to get things resolved. I'll tell more of that story soon... Please pray for us!