Who says you can't have fun with a 3 week old baby? Cribs.Pack n' plays. All over-rated, as I discovered that Aaron was quite content in the shipping box on a bed of pink packing peanuts (say that real fast). He was not there very long and it made Sarah laugh. After a few weeks of highly interrupted sleep, I really enjoy adding levity to the household.
We had a great weekend as a family. I spent as much time as I could holding and staring at our wonderful creation.
Many people have asked me...What is it like being a Dad?
I try to come up with some deep and profound statement, generally I 'm too tired to really think straight. However, put simply; I quote Scripture "Children are a gift from the L
they are a reward from him. (Psalm 127:3
NLT) and I also add that I have been waiting and preparing for Aaron for my entire life."
I love God, I love my wife and I love my son!