Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Yippee! Aaron's first word has tumbled from his lips!!! What was it, you ask?

Was it "mama," calling out to the woman who has sacrificed countless hours of sleep, nursed this boy around the clock for the past nine months, changed and laundered a lot of icky diapers, and prepared tons of organic homemade baby food?

Nope, not "mama."

Was it "dada," in honor of the man who works tirelessly to earn the $$ for the aforementioned organic homemade baby food, who tickles and plays, gives nightly baths, and wakes an hour early to spend as much quality time with his baby as possible?

Nope, not "dada."

Aaron's first word: "ball." An inanimate object. :-(

Oh, well... maybe he'll play for the Cubs. :-)

For more Tiny Talk Tuesday, check out Rose in the Making.

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