Friday, May 20, 2011

Four Sharps in a bathroom...

Hello, Friday! We welcomed the weekend - and celebrated Susannah's half birthday - with a gluten-free pizza dinner, then hit the streets for a family bike ride. In between the two, all four of us crammed into the upstairs bathroom to brush our teeth (can't ride a bike with pizza breath, now can we?).

And the minute I saw us in the mirror, my mind went straight to this photo, taken just about a year ago:

My, what a difference a year makes. 
Where did my babies go? 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I think this vintage photo means I'm genetically flawed... (iNSD 2011blog train, too!)

Hello, friends! Mostly this little blog of mine is about family stuff, but every now and then, I get to share part of my other life as a creative team member for ScrapMatters. Today is you're lucky day, gentle reader, as I have both something family AND something digi scrapping related. Are you excited??? I'm guessing about three of you might be - and the rest have absolutely no idea what digi scrapping is. Read on...

Here's the family stuff: in honor of Mother's Day, I dug out this vintage photo for your viewing pleasure. Please try not to giggle too loudly...

Fun, right? You know what I notice first about this photo? Our super-spiffy matching outfits. It's clear that coordinating family duds for photos is something I'm genetically predisposed to. Case in point? My family's recent matching Easter outfits. My mother taught me well.

Now for the digi scrapping hoopla (and welcome to all you ScrapMatters blog train riders!) Today is (inter)National Scrapbooking Day! In honor of the celebration, let me show you a little something the ScrapMatters Design Team whipped up:

There's a huge party happening over at ScrapMatters today with challenges, chat, games and prizes (not to mention a monster of a sale.)  With any $20 purchase in the store during their sale (May 6-12), you'll get the collab for FREE. 

I used the kit to make this little card...

...and now you can, too. Here's a free printable version. Sorry, this download link has expired.

To visit the next stop on the blog train, head over to Cara's blog.
Lost? Don't fret! The ScrapMatters blog will help you find your way.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oh, the shame!

Do you see my head hanging in shame over not blogging for an ungodly amount of time? Trust me, it is. It's not that stuff isn't happening around here, it's just that... well, stuff is happening around here.

We've been enjoying the longer daylight hours and being able to open the windows and doors to get some fresh air. The winter was long, and we're embracing spring wholeheartedly. A few days ago, the sun was shining through the front door in just the perfect way, so I grabbed my camera and snapped a few of the kids.

(you can't really see it too well, but she has a HUGE bruise and scab on the right side of her head from taking a nasty tumble on the neighbor's deck. That's what happens, I guess, when you're outside enjoying so much fresh air.)

And then, of course, because he's becoming a photo geek like his mom, Aaron had to have his turn behind the lens. Most of them looked like this, and were fired off at about 142 frames per second...

But every now and then he captures something really wonderful, and it makes me so proud.

The boy loves his camera, and it's fun to see what the world looks like through his three-year-old eyes. Of course, we had to do a self portrait, too.

And there you have it. A blog post from me! Nothing earth-shattering to report from our little corner of the world (except maybe that my hair is really starting to go gray - do you see it in that last photo? Oy!), but sure glad I popped in to say "hi!"

Hope you have a great weekend!