Friday, August 24, 2007

One month to go....

Hard to believe that August is coming to a close. It seems like only a few weeks have passed since that blood test told us a new person was on the way. The reality of it all is sinking in - my body is beginning to remind me of how far along I am, and my big belly is evidence that someone is on his way (soon!). But I'm not complaining. What a joy to join with God in this creative work. There are so many others who would like to be in my shoes, and I'm not going to sour the experience by focusing on all the negatives.
So the countdown begins. I've finished working full time, Mike's keeping the cell phone close just in case, and we're getting a suitcase packed. We've located a foot and a butt on this wiggly boy, and it makes it all the more real that he's a unique person. His tiny hiccups this morning made us laugh. We're anxious to hold him in our arms and introduce him to the world.